Carol Anne Grotrian back to Workshops
Fabric: 2 yds of washed, dried, untreated, 44-45 “ wide 100% white cotton, cut in the following manner:
1. Cut 6 - 9” strips across the fabric’s width. You should have 6 strips about 9” x 45.”
2. Cut 10 - 9” squares from 3 of these strips. This leaves a 9” x about 27” strip.
3. Cut the 3 remaining 9 “strips in half = 6 - 9” x 22” rectangles
4. bring the 10 - 9” squares and the 7- 9” x about 22” rectangles, plus any leftovers to class.
Additional cotton, linen or silk: small amounts for experimenting IF 2-DAY.
(Note: PFD or "prepared for dyeing" fabric is not required but guarantees the best results.)
Other Materials:
Waxed dental floss, any flavor (NOT Glide)
Small scissors with pointed blades (not your best) or thread snips. Seam ripper (optional)
Pencil and a ruler
Clothespins (12 or more), plastic or wooden, the ones with moving parts)
Small spray bottle
A small plastic bucket or container (1-2 gal.)
A lidded container (milk jug, quart jars, etc) to possibly take some indigo home (optional)
A trash bag
A roll of paper towels
An old towel
Rubber Gloves (a la Playtex)
Surgical weight rubber gloves (optional)
Wear old clothes
I’ll supply pvc pipes if the workshop is within driving distance of Cambridge. If not, bring a PVC pipe, 24 inches long (maximum) and 1 ½ to 3 inches in diameter. If leftover from plumbing project, outside surface must be smooth and non-perforated.
Bring any shibori or tie dye samples you may have, and a sample of your work if you wish.
Note: Materials fee is $5. If you have any questions, email Carol Anne at Also see