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Online Workshops (at present I'm looking forward to teaching in person, but I'll revisit offering online workshops later this year.

I prefer a half-day session (3-4 hours)  with a follow up (about 2 hours). This offers  opportunities to share work and avoids computer fatigue.  Students need dye experience if applicable and supply  materials, most of which should be on hand or easily available.  Contact me if you are interested for upcoming dates. A materials list will be sent on registration.


-Slow Stitch: Boro Stitches, Sample Book, Mending & Japanese Tsuno Bukuaro Bag and More

-Slow Stitch: Kantha Quilting

-Shibori: Stitching on the Fold & Katano

-Shibori: Itajime (Clamping)

Shibori: Stitching on the Fold & Katano  (One 4-hour session and One 2-hour follow up)

Note: requires prior knowledge of and access to dyes; students supply materials.

Stitching on the fold not only creates elegant and myriad shibori patterns, it also efficiently multiples the number of marks from each sewn stitch. We’ll start with some basics over a single fold using hand sewn-running stitches. Elements from these techniques apply to katano designs. Katano requires stab stitching, a different rhythm. Stitches through multiple pleats control  the flow of dye into the folds. The result is a glowing effect of light and dark that is unique. Some patterns can also be sewn by machine.

The workshop includes examples of designs and substrates as well as time to begin stitching. A later follow up session provides an opportunity to share triumphs and solve any problems. Handouts will include patterns.


Cost $70.

Shibori Katano

Shibori: Itajime (Clamping)       (One 4-hour session and One 2-hour follow up)

Note: requires prior knowledge of and access to dyes; students supply materials.

Besides dye techniques, the shibori technique of itajime relies on folds and shape of the clamping objects. The first focus of this class will be the folds. We’ll start with paper patterns, a wonderful way to keep a record of folds. Examples will include a variety of clamps, including traditional Japanese, Swedish clothespins, maybe a hippie fold or two. Unlike some shibori techniques, itajime offers comparatively instant gratification. A later follow up session provides an opportunity to share triumphs and solve any problems. Handouts will include patterns.


Cost $70. 


Japanese Boro: Stitch to Create "New" Fabrics (Two 3-4 hour Class Sessions; a 2-Hour Follow Up)

Experience boro, the artful Japanese tradition of hand sewing.  Born of a need to reuse worn textiles, fabric scraps are patched and “mended” into renewed fabrics. Simple running stitches and sashiko thread create patterns that are elegant and complex. Boro or "country sashiko" is often densely stitched. 


Part 1: The Stitch Book, After a look at boro history, learn basic stitches and mending techniques while creating pages for a sampler book. Use a variety of fabrics—commercial prints, hand-dyes, etc., perhaps some with difficult to use patterns. 


Part 2: Binding the Book, How to Make a Japanese Tsuno Bukaro Bag. Bring a garment or object that needs upcycling or mending and discover how to revive it with boro (optional).


Part 3: A Follow Up Session. After an interval of time to work, this is an opportunity to show-and-tell. We'll also look at examples of using boro stitchery in contemporary textiles.


Cost $100.

Kantha: Hand-stitched Quilting Traditions from India  (One 3-4 hour session with a 2 hour follow up)


Expand your quilting vocabulary with Kantha. Originating in India, recycled fabrics are layered and patched with hand-sewn running stitches that filling background spaces. Because batting is minimal or non-existent, stitches create ripples and shadows that change with the direction of sewing lines. Designs can remain improvisational and abstract or they can include simple  embroidered figurative elements. Traditional kanthas tell a story--something about the maker's life and beliefs and include domestic or exotic animals and plants, even domestic utensils. We can adapt images, make up our own stories and replace some of the smbroidery with raw edge appliqué. Design ideas will be provided. This class is stand alone or works well after the boro class.


Cost $60. 


​©2021 Carol Anne Grotrian

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